The hopeless nature of sex addiction
Listen to our Step 1 presentation here
Step 1 - "We admitted we were powerless over our selfish sexual behaviors - that our lives had become unmanageable."
In this 90 minute workshop 3 members from the Nordic group will go through the most relevant sections in the Big Book that covers the hopeless nature of sex addiction.
The goal of this workshop is to make the powerlessness of sex addiction clear. Attendees will get a chance to identify for them selves if they are real addicts.
We are covering:
The hopeless addictive cycle
Physical allergy
Mental obsession
Lack power
What differentiates the real sex addict from the moderate and heavy user of selfish sexual behaviors?
Why can't we control how much we act out?
Why can't we stay away from doing it over and over again?
Why are we completely powerless?
Join us live on zoom and get all the answers!
Use the link below to join. We recommend that you come 5 minutes before the meeting starts. It is an open workshop so anyone interested in the problem of sex addiction is welcome.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 897 5921 6362
Passcode: 910019
If you like to call in by phone, you can find your local number via this link: